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Welcome to the revised index of learning styles survey! This survey is designed to find insight on your learning style, there are no wrong answers. Please answer by rating how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements. Questions # 44-46 are for research purposes and do not influence your result.

1. I enjoy learning hard facts, like the date of an event or the properties of an element.
2. It doesn't really matter to me if what I'm learning about today has anything to do with what I learned about yesterday.
3. I like classes where I get to do something physical, like building or drawing.
4. I prefer to work in groups.
5. When inspiration hits, it's better to follow it than to stick with the original plan.
6. I would rather spend my time debating or discussing than reading a document or listening to a lecture.
7. When doing a procedure, I might skip a step if it doesn't seem important or if I know a faster way.
8. If I already know how to do something, learning a different method seems like a waste of time.
9. I would rather have a 1-hour class with a 15-minute break in the middle than a 45-minute class
10. I would rather watch a demonstration than listen to an explanation.
11. It would be more fun to do a project where I invent something to solve a problem, than doing a project where I find a new use for something that's already invented.
12. It would be easier for me to remember information from a video than from an article.
13. Knowing how or why something works doesn't really interest me, so long as I know what it's for and how to use it.
14. I would rather know a little bit about a lot of things than a lot about just one thing.
15. Even when I'm paying attention, I'll feel confused until I have "lightbulb moments" where I randomly understand a lot all at once.
16. I don't remember things well if I only read about them.
17. I would rather re-do an activity than study my notes on it.
18. My work style is less of a steady, even pace, and more of a series of bursts.
19. My notes look like a blueprint; there are lots of arrows and little drawings, with circles around important things.
20. My workspace looks messy, but I know where everything is.
21. If I am given quiet time to study, I am likely to get lost or distracted.
22. Repetitive drills, like flashcards, are helpful to me.
23. I can usually remember something better if I explain it to someone else.
24. If I have to remember a conversation, I'll start by thinking about things like where I was or what people were wearing.
25. Faces are easier to remember than names.
26. When reading a book or watching a show, I often notice little details that other people miss.
27. When reading a book or watching a show, I sometimes struggle with understanding the themes or deeper meaning.
28. I feel more comfortable answering questions where there are clear right and wrong answers, instead of questions where there might be multiple correct answers.
29. On a test, I would rather answer questions about a graph or timeline than questions about a written passage.
30. If given a test, I would rather have 100 multiple choice questions than 20 short answer questions.
31. I think that if someone is able to get their point across, spelling and grammar isn't that important.
32. Sometimes I am able to get the right answers to questions nobody else can figure out, but I can't explain how I did it.
33. To show what I've learned, I would rather take a test than do a presentation.
34. If given a task, I would be more likely to just try things out than to spend time planning.
35. If I have to travel somewhere, I would rather have a map than written directions.
36. If I have to travel somewhere, I would rather take a path that I know will get me there on time than a new path that might be quicker.
37. If two of my friends are fighting, I would be more likely to ask how they're feeling than ask what happened.
38. Sometimes it's good to make mistakes and "learn things the hard way."
39. I do not like surprises.
40. When something really catches my attention, I can become obsessed.
41. I use a lot of hand gestures and facial expressions in conversations.
42. I don't mind taking longer than others to do something, as long as it is getting done right.
43. I enjoy competitions in the classroom
44. What is your current age group?
45. Of the following subjects, which is your favorite?
46. What is your dream job?